Trip to Singapore |Alhamdulillah, akhirnya 'Minor Project' ak da settle, sekarang ni tgh fokus kat 'Major Project' pulak.. banyak benda yang kami belajar, pengalaman, dan yang paling penting, aku da tau ape kekurangan ak sem ni dan kekurangan kwn2 lain..
Dalam kesibukan wt final project utk semester ni, dapat jugak aku dan kawan merasa pergi Singapore,,heheh (tu pun bagi yang x prnah pergi lg)..Kami g sane pn bukan saje2 makan angin, tp sambil2 wt 'case study' utk final project nih..dan Singapore ni salah satu tempat yang kami pergi untuk case study tu, sebenarnya ade lg 5 tmpat lain, semuanya di sekitar KL je..hehehe
Together wif xsume ade..hehee
Laila & dayah..mek pantai Timur :p
Masa kat atas jambatan gantung, dekat ngn SuperTree :))
Nanti kalau ada masa, ak upload lagi gmbar kat sini yer..hehe kenangan tak dapat ak lupa sepanjang trip kat sini..luv u all :D
Past is Past.. |"Maybe u don't know how i feel when sumone can called u like that, which i can't..When I see ur conversation, and read everything, i don't know whether i'm meant to u or not.. okay, u have the past moment, past memories, and whatever past, at least do respect alert juz a bit..keep just 'a bit' alert for me least delete the past thing u have n hide them from me,,please don't let me be fooled by sumone like u,,if u still be like that, i don't know what to say anymore..if u still be like that, better u go with that sumone..n if u still be like that, better u just let me go..maybe it's better if i'm the one who ------- bcoz i know u can't do what u promised before..maybe i do not know u well, but i know u.. so just be yourself, don't make sumthing that u don't want to do just because of me.."
"if that's just the past, n u r serius, juz ignore it..ignore dat sumone, ignore the message, calling, chatting or whatever that can connect u.. bcoz that's the only way u can do to forget the past thing.. i did the same thing when i was in the situation like yours.. "